Senin, 26 Mei 2014

Redo of the 911 Memorial Park photo

In my blog post yesterday of images from the 911 Memorial Park I mentioned that I wished I had had a wider angle lens than the 10mm focal length of the Fuji 10-24mm zoom. There were a number of other things about the main photo I wanted to change so I went back the next morning to redo the image. I decided to use the same 10-24mm zoom at 10mm because of its superb quality. This time, however, I took three horizontal photos, tilting the camera up each time until I included the entire scene. Later I combined them manually in Photoshop because the auto photomerge feature couldn't correctly merge the severe distortions into one composite photo. You can see the resulting image below.

In addition to correcting the perspective, I also re-composed the shot so the corners of the pool and hole were aligned. Additionally, the wider angle allowed me to have much more of the reflecting water in the foreground.

This composite was manually assembled from the three horizontal images below.  By combining images, the effective image resolution was also increased to over 21 megapixels instead of the native 16mp of the X-T1 I used to take the photo.

The same image converted to black and white with a mild infrared treatment to darken the sky and whiten the trees.
This will be my last post for a few days as I take the time to install an entirely new computer system. Hopefully, I'll be back on line by the weekend.

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