Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Ocean images on a mirrorless trip - part 2

I have been experimenting with three different camera outfits on this two week trip -- a Fuji X-T1, Leica M (240), and the new Sony RX100 III. If you medewinare the winning system by amount of usage, then the Fuji X-T1 is winning, followed by the RX100, which I always have tucked into a pocket for grab shots. The Leica M delivers really excellent images, but the constant lens switching and a 135mm cap on my telephoto option has caused me to forsake it for the convenience of the Fuji X-T1.

I will be doing a complete write-up on the pros and cons of each system for travel after I return. For now, here are a few water images taken of the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean.

Mediterranean sunset with the Fuji X-T1 and 14mm lens. 

Mediterranean sunset with seagull, Fuji 55-200mm zoom.
Morning fog off the coast of Malaga, Spain. Fuji 55-200mm lens.

Coast of Spain, Leica M (240) and APO-Telyt 135mm lens.

Sunset on the Atlantic Ocean, 18mm focal length with the Fuji 18-55mm zoom.

Seagulls on a misty sea, Fuji 55-200mm zoom.

Time lapse of 45 seconds of the Boca do Inferno coast area near Cascais, Portugal. A bright sunny day required minus 12 stop neutral density filters at f/16 and ISO 200 using the Fuji 18-55mm zoom,.

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