Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

Walden Pond - The Meadow

At the far end of Walden Pond, near where Thoreau had his cabin, is a swampy, mosquito infested area called the Meadow. The day before, when I went there I was eaten alive by mosquitoes, so it makes me wonder why I would go back again the next day to photograph it in the morning light. Since my goal for this project is to do a book and prints that reflect the pond and forest life as Thoreau might have experienced it, I guess that means mosquitoes and all.

The photo below is a composite of three photos assembled as a panorama in Photoshop. The resulting image is approximately 150mb in size. Considering that each of the photos were taken with a 36mp Nikon D800 and 24mm focal length lens, I calculated that the resulting panorama is equivalent to having taken the shot with a 50mb camera.

The composite was made from the three images below.

I find it amazing that Photoshop was able to effortlessly combine the three photos above, including the complexity of the fallen tree, into one panorama.

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