Jumat, 08 November 2013

Photographing New York at 54 megapixels

I took advantage of the daylight saving time change to do an early photograph of lower Manhattan with the sunset reflecting on it. The first image is straight from a D600, but the second image is a composite of five photos into a large panorama of Manhattan stretching from the Empire State Building in mid-town to the tip of the island with the new World Trade Center. The full composite is 13,730 wide and equivalent to shooting at 54MP. I included a link to the high res file for anyone who wants to see what 54MP looks like, although there may be some artifacting because I had to use a moderate jpg quality to reduce the file size for my ftp site. I also did a black and white infrared conversion of the same file.

Click here to see a high res version of this file.
This composite panorama of five images from the D600 was taken a little after sunset. The resulting composite is 13,730 wide and equivalent to shooting at 54MP.  Click here to download a high res version of this file.
This is the same file as the one above it, but converted to black and white infrared. Click here to download a high res version of this file.

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